Spam on Twitter is so insanely idiotic.Get a clue,you bunch of morons.Twitter = 95%(?) geeks.We _know_ spam.Either forget it or do it right!
Pff, still no new Diggnation episode :( That’s what you get for recording 2 episodes at a time, guys :p Let’s hope for the return next week!
4 buggy’s near the exits of the streettrain. Great. No way of getting out.
4 buggy’s near the exits. Of the streettrain. Great. No way of getting out.
@thomasheylen kga srtaks thuis eens kijken of ik de naam/adres kan vinden. Kdacht dat het gewoon m’n retail store was
I’m 24 years old. For the first time in my life, my real mother is trying to get in touch with me. I don’t know if I want to…
Waking up. Way too late of course. Will have to run to make it to work on time.
RT @peterelst: Happy Belgium day — free beer, fries, chocolate and saxophones for all! :)
She’s the answer to all questions I ever had about life.