RT @boskabout: met de wijven niks dan last (maar ik zie ze graag hoor)
@matzo All the time :p
If I were given a penny for every typo I let go unnoticed I’d be a billionaire by now. And it’s starting to really annoy me…
My brother’s got an HTC Desire.Cool device,but it’s just not the same experience as an iPhone.Might be bad judgement;only used it for 10 min
I saw that going differently in my mind.
Heading back to Westende in a streettrain. Crowded. Feels like a can of sardines.
Is today some special day for handicapped people? Had lots of them visiting at work up to now.
RT @Nalden: People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it. - George Bernard Shaw
Breakfast at the beach. It’s hands down the best way to wake up, ever.