Not all treasure is gold.
About to head back to Westende. Not home. Westende. My home, my life and my heart are lost, somewhere in Kortrijk.
Pasta time!!!
@tekkie yea you’re right. And AE is missing too! ;)
Paid the bills! Unlike other people, I feel great doing this! Why wouldn’t I? No way around it anyway… You might as well accept it ;)
@MrBrightSky Tiens? Ik dacht dat die nog veel duurder was (5000€ ofzo). 2000€ vind ik ok als ge kijkt naar prijzen van andere toestellen
(Too bad the Flex-buddy lost in arm during his trip to Belgium :( )
Check what I got in yesterday’s mail! Thx @scottjanousek!! #adobemaxtoys
… and I bought a case for my iPhone. I hate those things but if I don’t use one at work,my iPhone will look like it went through a blender
Changed my Mobistar data plan. Also insured my iPhone again.
I just can’t stop listening to the new Eminem album (Recovery). As a fan, I’m grateful to see his effort to be back. Respect.
Just watched the most emotional TED talk I’ve ever seen. I have great respect for this guy.