@ikkekietje: what page?
The bunny talks!! http://nocreativity.com/…
Damn workarounds…
No wait: Let me rephrase: No ‘allowdomain=”*” ‘???
OMFG? No crossdomain.xml?? WTF?
8ball will go public in a few minutes :)
Was really looking forward to getting my new headphones. Turns out to be a bad buy. :(
Seems like my bunny widget won’t look very original… Hower: Wacom rocks! ^^
Making the bunny talk!
Multi-Mania ’08 Announced on FlashFocus :) http://tinyurl.com/2py8nw
Doing some more adminstuff…
Doing the mail-laundry…
Off to bed… Toedeloe!
And all of a sudden, a poem appeared…
8ball is scaring the crap out of me, each time I get a message… Must change my signature…
LMAO: 59 Friend requests on mySpace… Somehow mail doesn’t seem to come through anymore… Oops :D
Enjoying a movie…
Let’s kill something… I need food!
Nabaztag en mijn gevecht tegen de crossdomain.xml… http://nocreativity.com/…
@ikkekietje: try again (you should see a different SWF)
@Slike: Zeker niet stoppen met dat ding te testen! :D Welkom!
@Folkert: as long as swx is nog as3, I’m not using it :p I refuse to use AS2 again :p