The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @ronnykingfpv ever

March 11th, 2011

@mknol Ja hoor, viel goed mee. Was alleen wat teleur gesteld van sommige sessies. Moet volgend jaar echt beter. Jij?

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@mknol Damn, ‘k was nog aan’t twijfelen of het nu markknol was of mknol! Toch god dat je hem zag voorbij komen ;)

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RickDeckardt Both reactors at the plant have been damaged, and officials say they have “lost control” of the pressure (Reuters). #meltdown #fukushima

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 11:45 PM, Mar 11th, 2011 via web)

Some cool pics of #fitc are online! Here’s @markknol drawing, using a multitouch app! (not my pictures obviously)

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On another note: that iPad2 is way overhyped. If you want to buy an iPad, buy the old one for 100$ less. Way better deal.

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Japan has had a bad day so far and reading about that nuclear reactor thing doens’t inspire a lot of trust… I really hope they can fix it.

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It’s not you. I feel the exact same way. RT @savvas: is it me or this day is a bit full of sh**t?

via Icebird for iPhone

natemaggio Hey guys, just got back from Japan… they are STOKED about all those prayers. Totally fixing everything.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 8:19 PM, Mar 11th, 2011 via Echofon)

3rd episode of @foundat_ion is out. Great interview with the founder of Second Life. Interesting fellow!

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RT @scottjanousek It would be a nice gesture if Apple donated a % of iPad2 sales to Japan relief. Those folks love Apple just as much as US.

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@mrchrisallen Is there a recording of your session at #fitc? Went to see the facebook/gmunk voodoo sessions. (Sorry :( )

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People keep telling me how great #mobilevikings is… http://www.mobilevikings… Site seems down, and so is the phone network it seems…

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tijs warning people about a possible tsunami

via bitly (retweeted on 1:53 PM, Mar 11th, 2011 via Twitterrific for Mac)

@neurofuzzy i was pretty sure that’s a factor of 1000…

via Icebird for iPhone in reply to neurofuzzy

simohell wow…

via Twitter for Mac (retweeted on 11:57 AM, Mar 11th, 2011 via Icebird for iPhone)

‘quick prototyping’ which takes more time than ever. I used to be able to do this in 30 minutes. Takes a whole night this time.

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“The NATO will act when there is demonstrable need.”Didn’t they kill countless innocent people in the past weeks?What are they waiting for!?

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