flashstream Colbert on iPad 2 - “It has dual-core A5 CPU! That means it can not run Flash nine times faster!” True, true ;-) http://bit.ly/fM6f0p
I’ve known Eminem for more than a decade. He made a great comeback with Recovery and he’s only getting better http://bit.ly/hYW8pv #respect
Look what I got in the mail today! It’s the #tnwsticker pack @Boris promised us! http://twitpic.com/487jk2
That’s how I roll! RT @ikkekietje: @noCreativity made me the Burger King Queen! http://t.co/Nlm0onP
Uploaded a few pictures I took with #crossprocess and #hipstacam in Amsterdam while attending FITC: http://bit.ly/gRUAr6
Devineforum Mensen met foto’s van FITC-reisje: stuur een link naar de foto’s door naar mctcommunityAThowestDOTbe, thanks!
En zeg het door als je wil ;)
@davykestens @anthonyvanoyen (although you’d have to refresh that provisioning profile every few months ( = not a lot of work))
@davykestens @anthonyvanoyen If you do get a certificate, you might create it and then run it on your phone with your mobile provisioning)
@davykestens @anthonyvanoyen Exactly. (I _MIGHT_ be wrong, but afaik without an Apple dev cert you can’t go anywhere)
@davykestens On device? No. You need to be an Apple cert. developer to run your apps on your iPhone (without JB)
RT @Format_ no. I will not work for free
@woutr_be Have a safe trip, my friend! Best of luck and enjoy your adventure!