My team rocks so hard! Like you wouldn’t believe it!
Totally forgot about dinner
@MikeIsReal Hey man, that looks interesting! Definitely going to take a look at that! Thanks!
@savvasmalamas @zemah_ @Dauntless lol thanks you guys. Though about it myself only seconds later :p
Scratch that… (I just realized I can just write a file to the applicationStorageDirectory…) #thinkbeforeyouask #idiot
Is it possible to save settings in AIR without relying on a SQLite database?
Will try to add a ‘choose folder’ feature to my AIR app and then send it out for testing… People looking for a ‘Timelapse Photobooth’?
Poll: Online forum design: Fixed width or fluid?
My girl is booking our room for our stay in Denmark. Really looking forward to it!
@maeseele Lol, maar moet hij u die links nu nog sturen, of is’t zinloos? (Nie op letten, hij is nogal een verward typetje ;) )
To be honest: I’d love to announce the coming @FlashFocus update using a cheap Apple rip-off: “Rebuilt, restyled, re-everythinged”
Scratch that. Weather WAS beautiful. All kinds of clouds are appearing all of a sudden :(
Going out for lunch. Weather is beautiful. <3
RT @FlashFocus: FlashFocus voorziet downtime van 12 tot uiterlijk 14 juni!
Off to bed. Dead tired after a long day.