The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @ronnykingfpv ever

September 25th, 2010

Today’s editing of thursday’s Guitar Hero event:…

via Echofon

Rendering… Let’s have dinner in the meantime… Today’s dinner consists of a pudding (since I can’t eat anything else)

via Tweetie for Mac

I seriously hope this face-displacement-filter which has been applied to me will disappear by tomorrow…

via Tweetie for Mac

I need to close a gap of 20 seconds with footage I don’t have… Let’s see if I can fix this with more creative methods…

via Tweetie for Mac

My girlfriend is sending me pictures of her sister’s freshly born baby with ‘I want one too!’ as a caption. I’m in so much trouble…

via Tweetie for Mac

Importing 6GB of footage into premiere… Let’s edit!

via Tweetie for Mac

My face looks like somebody applied the liquify filter in Photoshop…

via Tweetie for Mac