The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @ronnykingfpv ever

September 15th, 2010

Prepared a little surprise for my girlfriend… I think she’ll like it…

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Damn, no new Diggnation episode yet… The pizza night routine is completely breaking down :(

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Had _the best_ dinner at pizza night. Totally full.

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@NeuroProd Wow, you’re getting close quite fast, it seems! Looking forward to seeing your future progress!

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@NeuroProd That’s starting to look ridiculously good, Kris! What are you aiming for with this?

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Realtime painting with light, done using Flash!

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I love how the iPad is ‘overpriced’ and then Samsung replies with an even pricier Android tablet:

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Created a little demo for the (old) experiment I’m blogging later today.

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Well,how unsurprising:They took the concept of the Twitter iPad app to the browser.I’m not sure I’ll like it.Looking forward to testing it!

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@joristimmerman They are rolling it out, but the fact of the matter is: Coverage is VERY low. Only a few major cities so far. P’mus seems ok

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@eXop Yea, tligt ier toch maar te liggen :p

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Biting the bullet: My old Dell XPS (2006) is for sale…

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@joristimmerman Mobile Vikings, really? Edge? That’s pretty slow… I’d go for Mobistar (iPad 15€) or Proximus (no clue what) for 3G.

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