You’ve probably seen this before; I just discovered it and I think it totally rocks!
@ifEls Oh, daar kan aan gewerkt worden, don’t worry :p - Feeling crazy, so here goes: POPCORN!
Getting dinner. It’s been a while. ;) thinking of a cool dashboard widget featuring Red5 in the meantime. Experiment coming up!
Too many people with B&W avatars (including myself). Time to abandon boringness and go back to the colourful world of life!
Ayrton Senna was probably the only man in history who could inspire you -over and over again- while he tried to explain why he fucked up.
@GuusDeGraeve Volledig mee akkoord, maar ik heb nog geen enkele demo die mij vb aanzette om mijn blog in HTML5 te herschrijven.
RT @Steffest: /me thinks HTML5 demo’s should stop focussing on what’s possible and instead show me what’s useful, preferably in this decade
@boskabout Lol, zalig :D
Come on guys: Either stay away from the Twitter website (use a client), or stay away from Twitter altogether.
RT @joristimmerman: Lucky me I’m using the Tweetie client. No problems with the Twitter exploit. (except weird tweets) :)
Another dirty Twitter ‘hack’ going around :)
@joristimmerman I guess so… Still: I’m the end user: I really don’t care. :D
Great:MS Exchange mail lets me upload a 17MB email attachement.When hitting send,I get an error:Attachement to big.Why let me upload then!?
@delegatevoid: Oh, absolutely! For each, his own. That’s for sure. I -personally- just can’t get along very well with Windows anymore ;)
Only been working with Windows for a few minutes now and already I realize why I adore OSX so much…
Awesome :D RT @devdev_be: ROFL :D >> Programmer pickup lines. (via @csprk) (via @vangampelaere)
is almost certain of going to San Francisco!Let’s get that visum thing sorted out.Heard that’s one big hell. Shouldn’t wait any longer then!
@dimitrivh I feel your pain. Exactly the same sentiments right here. :)
@glenndavid lijkt me toch duidelijk als ik nu naar het landschap kijk. Al denk ik niet dat het zo groot wordt als desktop web (rare term :p)
Another appointment, way too early in the morning …
Getting up early is so not my cup of tea…
Tired to death. I feel like I haven’t slept in like a billion years…
Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle & the life of the candle won’t be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.