The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @ronnykingfpv ever

September 2nd, 2010

Now I don’t know which one to choose: with ( or without ( a tail… They both look great!

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Just playing with cameras in AE already gets me all worked up… So much fun!

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And yet another little After Effects project! Fun stuff!

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Vet! Thanks! RT @GuusDeGraeve: @babyC: heb er een icns pakket van gemaakt […]…

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That’s what I’m talking about! SWEET! RT @GuusDeGraeve: @babyC, @devdev_be:

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@AugustinDeBie Ziet der goe uit, gast! De vraag da’k me nu stel is hoe ik die kan gebruiken? Kdacht dat je .icns files nodig had daarvoor.

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junkiesxl Apple must be the only company where the dev-tools have a better icon than an actual app:

via Hibari (retweeted on 3:27 PM, Sep 2nd, 2010 via Twitter for iPad)

@devdev_be @GuusDeGraeve @AugustinDeBie Replace it with what? Any cool icon suggestions?

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@tekkie Auwch! Don’t they like colors anymore? Did their designer team get fired? *ugh*

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I refuse to install iTunes 10. Not installing it until Apple reviews the but-ugly logo.

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Really liking twitter for iPad. Although it feels a bit messy… I mean, look:

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Pushed out some updates for SpreadTheWord… Still wondering why the Default.png is acting up, but I’ll give it a rest. Let’s wrap up!

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Aha, I was waiting for this! RT @twitter: Announcing Twitter for iPad: Sharing content in Tweets

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@a_cup_of_t Mijn Tweetie was een paar dagen geleden ook volledig naar de knoppen. Nieuwe versie gedownload die blijkbaar al geupdate is :)

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The feedback I’m getting on SpreadTheWord is SO FANTASTIC! It’s really enabling me to put just a little more effort into it! You guys ROCK!!

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