Feel the rhytm! Feel the rhyme! It’s pineapple-time!!!
Hmz. Not only is twitpic messing with my good nature. Twitterfon is giving me all kinds of errors and warnings too… What’s up with that?
There’s something sexy and yet very funny in the air. Must be that time of the day where I “call it a night”…
@Toppiewvl Gewoon letten op je voeding & elke dag een half uurtje op’t gemak gaan lopen (echt op’t gemakje) en ge zijt op weg naar succes ;)
So here we are in Nieuwpoort not drinking cocktails but plain old water. We don’t want to mess up our diet now, would we?
And we’re off to the gym. Last workout of the week.
On my way home. Weather turned 180 since this morning. Great!!
@HoFa lol thx. Dropping by monday-Tuesday ;)