The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @ronnykingfpv ever

August 20th, 2009

Writing a poem about a story I should never forget.

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One might say goodbye to Bkite RT @lode W00T! Twitter adds geolocation api on a tweet-by-tweet basis. … Blog post at

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Cool shit! Totally digging! RT @Boris: The most amazing, beautiful and realistic piece of computer art I have ever seen:

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this.difficulty++; this.quality++; this.speed++; this.strength++;

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Talk about good news! Things will turn out perfect by tomorrow! *sigh*happy*

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I declare the 20th of august as World Fail Day.

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Waking up. Having breakfast. Waiting for @HoFa. I am actually multi-tasking!!

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Wtf, and now there’s no more Yahoo pushing… I find it amusing to see how everyone has it working, but me…

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