@thomasheylen Yea, idd… Komt binnenkort ook verandering in :) Thx for the heads up :)
@thomasheylen Is’t enkel de blog? Of ook andere pagina’s? (vb: http://twitter.nocreativ… ) (blog is door de afbeeldingen denk ik)
Waarvoor dank! RT @1Ago: Zonet @noCreativity geholpen met z’n GoDaddy-probleem. Think twice next time about GoDaddy!
After this, I’m never ever going to do business with GoDaddy again. How can something as simple as this be so fucking irritating!?
For all those suggesting other domain registration services: I bought a .it for 13$. That’s why I chose goDaddy…
DNS changes failed:Dear GoDaddy,stop wasting my time:those nameservers are correct!How do I know?BECAUSE I’VE BEEN USING THEM FOR A YEAR NOW
I’m speechless. Got a card from @Hofa, about his wedding, thanking me for helping him do some stuff for his wedding. Any day again, man ;)
Twitter top tip: Never ever say the word ‘iPad’ on Twitter. The amount of ‘iPad’-spam you get is ridiculous.
Hm… I don’t know if I want a 2nd generation iPad. What features would I want more? Apple needs to really innovate to make me buy one.
@GuusDeGraeve Scherp! Was eigelijk nen ‘server not found’, nie 404. Maar you get the point ;)
This really pisses me off to no end. Oh and I love how they invite others to “buy this domain”. As if I would like to sell it. Idiots.
Ads already piss me off to no end; when I buy a domain and I pay you, you shouldn’t start putting your emberassing ads on it #godaddy
Last night the domain I wanted was 404.When I bought it,it still was.When I pointed it to my nameservers this showed up http://bit.ly/gm4yCA
@thomasheylen Oei? Wa noem je lang? Paar seconden? Of echt minuten? Welke browser?
MTV Idents from around the world http://bit.ly/eSrApH
And right now I can’t do anything with my domain until they are done ‘updating’ which takes forever. They were real quick on the ads though.
Wow, registering my domain through GoDaddy was a horrible mistake. I register a domain and when I set my NS, they put their ads in place.
Why did I have to give my identity number in Belgium to GoDaddy when registering my new domain? Kinda uncool…
Anyway: If you didn’t get that from that last tweet: I’ve got a massive blogpost lined up, due tomorrow! Watch this space … ;)
I think I just crashed Firefox..Oh wait- Nope.The new Firefox seems uncrashable:70 tabs open and even with this blogpost,it keeps up with me
I dig this one: http://vimeo.com/13849959