What Adobe is telling its customers with the recent Platform team splitup is that they know Flash is moving out the focus of the industry.
Happy weekend wishes from @lyntje and me! http://twitpic.com/3h7a20
@duivvv Was ook best onder de indruk. Ging ernaartoe met het gevoel dat het eigenlijk een tegenvaller ging worden.
It’s quite weird to see your childhood home is being sold… So strange…
Getting my hair cut while reading about objective-C. Yes, once I set my mind to something, I won’t let it go.
On a long enough timeline, the survival rate of everybody drops to zero.
I was tired and almost sleeping. Now I’m wide awake, I’m nervous and I feel ill. This weekend sucks already.
Nice one! RT @tonylukasavage: With bad coders nothing is abstracted… everything is a copy of a copy of a copy #TechMovieQuotes #FightClub
Please, go right ahead :) RT @kevinrose: I’d really like to buy del.icio.us and make a seriously rad social bookmarking site[…]
@toStephen Desktop SDK is om desktop apps te compilen. Heeft niets met de Titanium Developer tool te maken :p (die is trouwens op 1.2.2 ;) )