Back on track
@dimitrivh Sure man, keep me posted!
Found my very first website back… OH. MY. GOD. What was i thinking!?
Checking out my old CD collection, looking for old skate footage
Ow man, all the pain caused by last week’s experience in Premiere is already gone. And I just got started. I love this!
Setting up my phone to use it with my new brightkite account ^^ Being a geek is so awesome :)
Converting the video once more. Really looking forward to an exciting week with Premiere and After Effects
Unsupported compression in file.
Firing up Premiere
Checking out the brightkite interface… I love it when social webapps are just ‘cool’ from the first moment on.
@dimitrivh Thx buddy!
Anyone willing to send me a BrightKite invite (that just rhymes, aweome :))
@ohwhen you mind sending me an invite at senderhas[@] ? kthxbai :)
Converting some more video (or trying)
Watching The Saint
making my way through the rain
installing soundbooth cs4
on my way to the pih to meet up with @newmovieclip
Apparently Twitter died again… can’t tweet anything since this morning 6 oclock… Ohwell… Paid the bills, now time for breakfast
Paying the serverbills
Payments time!!