Finally able to have dinner on our balcony. Rocking!!
Really enjoyed #2M12Kortrijk. Congrats to everybody for yet another success!
RT @multimania: TRUE “@smashingmag: We removed FB buttons, FB traffic increased. Why? Instead of “liking” articles, readers share it on …
Great performance, @aral! Thanks!
You can’t compare @aral to any other speaker. This man decides to start his talk by singing a song. Isn’t that amazing?
What do we know if we mix up several thousands of faces from people around the world? We aren’t all that different.
@Phrofyz aight, kzie je dan wel ergens ;)
@Phrofyz ben in room 4. Ik spreek straks buiten af om te gaan lunchen. We kunnen daar straks ff afspreken om te praten. Goe?
At the Design Principles with @adactio. Go!