The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @ronnykingfpv ever

October 24th, 2012

Well, I think it’s safe to say that this year’s holiday season will break some more records for Apple’s quarterly earnings.

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One thing is clear though: Apple was done waiting for SSD to become the new standard. They decided it’s time.
“We’re ready to go.Chop chop!”

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“Hey, remember the days when we had those silly 1080p laptop displays? Yea, that was silly, eh?”
- everybody in about 5 years.

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I’m sorry guys. While Tim Cook might be a great CEO, he shouldn’t be speaking at those Apple events. Phil Schiller does it way better.

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Well, at least some of you enjoyed that little story. I don’t :p

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Instead of watching the livestream of the Apple event, I crashlanded my ARDrone on a nearby roof. Where it still is. I need a ladder…

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