The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @ronnykingfpv ever

May 11th, 2013

eoghanmcdermo Justin Bieber got 100,000 retweets for tweeting “Live life full”. That’s just 3 random words. I’m going to try now.

Nipple squirrel ham

via web (retweeted on 10:24 PM, May 11th, 2013 via Tweetbot for iOS)

idiot iOS7 prediction: It’s not going to look like Windows 8. Stop making mockups like that.

via Osfoora for Mac (retweeted on 2:28 PM, May 11th, 2013 via Tweetbot for iOS)

This thing runs 50K particles in Chrome and Safari. Pretty happy so far :)

via Tweetbot for Mac from Kortrijk, West Flanders

Thank you. RT @daringfireball: Not Sure Why Anyone Would Spend So Much Time and Effort on an iOS 7 Concept Redesign:

via Tweetbot for iOS from Kortrijk, West Flanders

Writing a particle engine in Javascript based on my previous AS3 Particle Engine. Getting there. I love it!

via Tweetbot for Mac from Kortrijk, West Flanders