These transatlantic flights of 10 hours can really disorient you. Makes today and yesterday blurâ€
@davidrocknyc will you make a video about your process one day? I’m curious to see how you work.
Just trying to figure something out here about my followers: which is your primary language?
@Jonazzty 250k voor nen auto en ge rijdt er niet alle dagen mee?? Decadenten fuck 😀😛
@Jonazzty like I said: les gouts et les couleurs 😉
@Jonazzty maar nen witte Lambo Aventador Spyder blijft onopgemerkt? ;)
@Jonazzty what’s wrong with shiny gold ? ;)
@Jonazzty tastes and color, my friend ;)
A gold BMW?! Are we still in Miami!? @ Brussels Airport