@PostNL Yes, I did. As I do with every problematic delivery. But be it @PostNL, @bpost_nl or DPD belgium, they all… https://t.co/K4Y6opXcGq
@ResikaTV @bpost_nl Ik stond hem op te wachten toen hij bij mij thuis aan kwam zelfs… papiertje gewoon uitgehaald… https://t.co/9XS16TyAQz
What is it with @bpost_nl, @PostNL and even @dpdNL with not bothering to figure out why their deliveries are gettin… https://t.co/tJ9Mqhs5Hv
Blijkbaar heeft @bpost_nl hier geen boodschap aan. Nooit reactie op gekregen.
What he said. https://t.co/SnrM3RGrIn
@anserics @StudioCaroBE Hebben we ook op de lijst staan 😠Laat maar komen. U vraagt, wij draaien 😆
RT @BacktotheFuture: This is an oldie, but, uh… well, it’s an oldie where we come from… https://t.co/Gc15WSQMu3
@StudioCaroBE Staat op de lijst 😉
The FPV HD feed is not perfect yet but the current state of HD feeds from an F1 car isn’t either. And if you look a… https://t.co/Kxo0uAA1q3
Also: what’s funny to me is that people still think that DJI is drone-company… If you ask me: they are a camera c… https://t.co/w7ZVpOhCwn
I’ve been thinking about this a lot but I just wonder when DJI will announce their FPV HD receiver module that plug… https://t.co/374MAZ6tkV
@StudioCaroBE @FakePlasticRuby Freddy Mercury zei ‘mama’. En hij had fucking gelijk!
The tech behind this. https://t.co/dQnze58lix I love technology! It’s such an enabler.
Now that is what they call ‘right in the middle of the action’. Beautiful! https://t.co/Zde5RlauwM
RT @MercedesAMGF1: *arrives in office on Monday of a Grand Prix*
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