@kzolson19 @ArtHouseGarbage @DrifterShoots I came here to literally suggest the same thing but I see the DriftKrew is strong 🤜🤛
THATSFUCKINGRIGHT! https://t.co/1utnjs5RLu
@KrisRemels Ik weet van iemand die 5 jaar geleden alleen een huis kocht met amper 12.000 euro eigen inbreng. Ik wee… https://t.co/e9xSzEbOC1
See this photo? That’s a still from the video below and you KNOOWWWW that you wanna see it: Right this way 💉… https://t.co/eFOZ7edVxa
@ThePipelineBe Notorious but Obviously and Officially the Best.
RT @caitchristinee: Social media apps punish you if you don’t use them every day