@KristienCoddens @ief @Nonunsenses @sporza @HLN_BE @hlnsport Oh! Heb ik dan toch echt wel blind over gekeken. My b… https://t.co/p2XgFMBLdc
Years ago I made a Youtube video with tips to become mentally stronger. One of the things I pointed out was that pe… https://t.co/xP4LmGb6kU
@ief @Nonunsenses @sporza Ik heb daarnet ook even @HLN_BE en @hlnsport bekeken. Ook niets. Er worden obscene werel… https://t.co/hpkHBPs8ms
@peterlindgren_1 @DJIGlobal @StephCouchoud Do you still have it? Or did you use it for anything outside the scope o… https://t.co/ILpyAhqVSl
@DJIGlobal @StephCouchoud Looks like that monster @peterlindgren_1 built some time ago 🤣
@Nonunsenses Ik was totaal niet op de hoogte van wat er gaande was maar nadat ik uw tweets las begon ik mega enthou… https://t.co/7qnOUrEGkV
@jakesloaninak This feels like terrible software design. A basic check of filesize vs time remaining should yield a… https://t.co/ZJWbiR2Yh8