windows-bootcamp just crashed my osx partitioni…. Seriously: i’m done with windows.
setting up my bootcamp partition :)
went to software explanation thingy… actually don’t know anything new…
formatted another windows partition at high speed (13,5 minutes)
@_Tine_:nobody’s perfect :)
pretty happy with leopard.. allthough some of the visual aspects don’t work for me…
me = back();
sleepy time now… pretty late tho… :( or… early…
everything crucial is installed (i thinkg)… love the spaces and the dock-stacks :)
leopard up & running with no tricks… even twtitteriffic is working! :)
will install leopard… So excited! :)
looks like it’s all done… pfff… what a lot of work… you don’t actually realize it until you have to restore all of it…
restoring the databases… pretty much done on windows… took me almost 5 hours restoring my damn laptop… tsss