fully powered by Papervision3D again… damn those ‘personal challanges’ are a bad thing…
looking for a decent AS3 editor (OSX)… Anybody?
@newmovieclip: where is that? ( “t Pand” ?)
@newmovieclip: in the afternoon: 13h or later :)
let me rephrase: i’ll let tomvdz know that i won’t be there at that time ;)
@newmovieclip: i have lessons MM3 at that time. I might speak to @tomvdz about that then. (will mail you to confirm)
@newmovieclip: exactly. :) would be great if we could meet for that matter…
@newmovieclip: sorry to bother you like this, but ehm… you’ve got mail :$
@Folkert: ik! :p
feeling very odd…
trying to figure something out…
Just posted a new tutorial: how to email using ActionScript 3 and PHP: http://tinyurl.com/293xcb
woei :) learning AS3, yet i still got a headache… ain’t that just great?
figuring AS3 sending data out.. pretty simple, but yet i’m overlooking something…
screen recording software for mac! GIMME! (for video tutorials)
my head is like a zeppelin: all blown up, and ready to explode….