fuck yea! i finally made it! had to redo everything all over again, but it’s working now! HA!
is about to give up aspx if no miracle is about to happen
A tweet dedicated to ASPX: Fuck You.
@DustyRoxx: a few of my twitter friends already told me the same thing… And they’re not even students anymore :p
.NET session do NOT work!
‘Music can alter moods and talk to you’… Must be one of Eminem’s wisest lines ever…
Liefde is ‘s werelds grootste macht, doch het blijft de traagste manier om zelfmoord te plegen.
VS.NET seems to have a consience: i notice a bug and the thing crashes on me…
voor alle duidelijkheid: het gaat niet om @DustyRoxx
Ik heb echt een onprettige kotgebuur: die gast stinkt echt ZO HARD! Beseft die dat dan niet!?
@Folkert: so true!
doing some more aspx
waking up… bit on the late side
will go to bed.. pretty tired and need to take a break…
logging in event is pretty much ok… need to keep the user logged in though…
creating the login api for the web project