off to bed…
messing around with AIR
i need a break…
flash site is officially ready… let’s get that thing online
heaven looks like a rainbow right now
@HoFa: LMAO. Can’t answer that question in public or she will kill me ;)
DEBUGGED! hell yea!
burning a mac compatible multimedia project on disc for @Dustyroxx
doing some more testing
twittering for the sake of twittertesting! @ikkekietje
easter eggs! woei!
had a hard time getting my event to work (weird stuff going on) but everything seems to be fine … Will have to lay the last hand to it now
creating the 360° view of my product
woke up again. ready for some more work
flash 90% done… tomorrow finishing touch. time for a break now :)
almost done with the major stuff… one more swf to go, and the 360 view.
i’m on a roll!
just agreed for a new challange. I tell you: Flash and me: a married couple! :D