The misses wanted a coffee. I couldn’t decide so I went for a water. They only charged us for theâ€instagram.com/p/7JLuppt5b7/3k
New York traffic is amazing! It’s fast, predictable, safe and easy to navigate. Either on bike, board or in a car! I love this place!
I’m on slow WiFi, visiting a JS-heavy site. I see all buttons and links but I can’t do anything until JS has load#progressiveEnhancementment
Deminoodle Is hier nog ergens een front-end Drupal developer die binnenkort beschikbaar is? #bejobs

Not even 60 minutes later. Green light: boostedboards is fully charged! That is crazy fast! Love it!â€instagram.com/p/7Itl_tt5Sk/hA
@killthedinosaur yea that is the plan. I was really shocked this morning. Still am to be honest.
Half-hour mark: The @BoostedBoards is up to 54% charge. That won’t carry me all the way back to the hotel just yet…

It’s 12:10. My boostedboards just ran out of juice. Dropped in on a Starbucks store and chargingâ€instagram.com/p/7InF1jt5XY/HO
@tynoesj nope, used that special little rayban tissue…
I bought into that stupid #rayban hype and bought some expensive glasses.Cleaned them once. Now they’re scratched. 10 days old. Never again.

Today, I visited the 9/11 memorial museum. A very emotional experience which I wasn’t prepared for.â€instagram.com/p/7G5_QGN5Xu/DS

Flying in #NYC @ National September 11 Memorial & Museum instagram.com/p/7G0ey9N5dt/