The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @ronnykingfpv ever

November 14th, 2019

I did one of the highest bungee jumps in the world! 🙀

via Twitter Web App

@wouterds @dan_abramov That is a great example of how I’d expect it to work. However, the people I follow never pos…

via Twitter for Android

@wouterds Not my followers, the people I follow. And I’m only interested in what their own content is. Not the cont…

via Twitter for Android

RT @BOEmedia: Just discovered a nice coincidence: the birth of the www was the same year the Berlin wall came down, both 30 years ago! 1989…

via Twitter Web App

My timeline has become a shitstorm of politics because Twitter shows me content that people I follow have engaged w…

via Twitter Web App

@pibaert Geld is gewoon een ‘baksteen’ waarmee je ‘huis van geluk’ kunt bouwen: Het maakt het gemakkelijker om dat…

via Twitter Web App

The results of this poll actually make me sad…

via Twitter Web App

I’m inclined to say that Motorola did 2 important things with the release of the new Razr phone:
* they pulled an A…

via Twitter Web App