The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @ronnykingfpv ever

June 25th, 2022

@garrett_ba @lawrobarretto Yea, I wonder why fuel, transport etc are part of the cost cap. I’m pretty dure teams do…

via Twitter for Android

And then we haven’t even talked about the impact that all of this will have on the women suffering through this……

via Twitter for Android

What good did they think that would accomplish?
1. Women doing dangerous things to cause abortion
2. Kids getting b…

via Twitter for Android

Nope. I still don’t get it. Why is it again that they felt they needed to outlaw women getting an abortion? I’m hon…

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@katiecantspell Why not? These are not men…

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Yo wtf? What the hell is going on over there!?

via Twitter for Android

That’s the worst Dall-E work yet. Those are not generated. That’s actual footage.

via Twitter for Android

@JMD_helmets Looks like the car’s breathing 😁

via Twitter for Android in reply to JMD_helmets