@garrett_ba @lawrobarretto Yea, I wonder why fuel, transport etc are part of the cost cap. I’m pretty dure teams do… https://t.co/TXQdIQPPjP
And then we haven’t even talked about the impact that all of this will have on the women suffering through this…… https://t.co/zlAzwXmYFN
What good did they think that would accomplish?
1. Women doing dangerous things to cause abortion
2. Kids getting b… https://t.co/V66fLBaDYB
Nope. I still don’t get it. Why is it again that they felt they needed to outlaw women getting an abortion? I’m hon… https://t.co/SPR6wnpi4S
@katiecantspell Why not? These are not men…
Yo wtf? What the hell is going on over there!? https://t.co/MOTZMMB3fF
That’s the worst Dall-E work yet. Those are not generated. That’s actual footage. https://t.co/kjE4nWP36p
@JMD_helmets Looks like the car’s breathing ðŸ˜
I just had to think of this scene. https://t.co/lTYrFaSaMW https://t.co/ZTDMqjqDNq
@jNoxxx Perhaps it once was…