Okay: it’s official. The (technical) helpdesk at Mobistar are a complete bunch of incompetent fuckers. There, I finally said it.
I’m at Steenstraat 13, 8434 Westende, Middelkerke, Belgium (Steenstraat 13, Middelkerke, Vlaams Gewest 8434, BE) - http://bkite.com/00Xzi
great, it starts raining right when i get out of the metro for a 1km walk…
done for today. Heading home. Will have to call mobistar again… Sigh…
I’m at Casino, 8430 Middelkerke, Middelkerke, Belgium (Casino, Middelkerke, Vlaams Gewest 8430, BE) - http://bkite.com/00Xp6
omg! ‘jij vermoedt’ moest dat dus zijn! En nu ga’k eten… Anders komt het niet meer goed met mij…
@delegatevoid: dus jij vermoet dat dat ding vanzelf weer gaat werken? Of moet ik iemand bellen?
somebody tell me what a ‘PPP server’ is…
heading to bed. Night y’all
Fighting the wireless trouble :)
somehow got a bad feeling about going home
what a surprising end!!
what an awesome movie. Will smith totally kicks ass.
about to watch hancock :)
anyway: i finally got a working internet connection at home. Now at for some relaxing with Dimitri :)