I wonder what I’m doing wrong… Goodnight.
What if you get sooo close to a dream, that you can almost feel it, but somehow it seems not to be meant to be?
back home after a lovely evening with my little brothers and my mom :)
over at mom’s place. Playing with my brothers :)
I’m at Steenstraat 13, 8434 Westende, Middelkerke, Belgium (Steenstraat 13, Middelkerke, Vlaams Gewest 8434, BE) - http://bkite.com/00ZKt
you should have heard the sound of this italian lady - Photo: http://bkite.com/00ZJS
im done here. Going home :)
typical sunday: everybody going to the baker… The line inside is double of what you see here… - Photo: http://bkite.com/00ZDV
I’m at Casino, 8430 Middelkerke, Middelkerke, Belgium (Casino, Middelkerke, Vlaams Gewest 8430, BE) - http://bkite.com/00ZDQ
up , running and in a totally wicked mood!!!