It’s waaaaaay too hot in here!
Even verfrissen, en dan eten zoeken :)
I’m at Broelkaai 1, 8500 Kortrijk, Kortrijk, Belgium (Broelkaai 1, Kortrijk, Vlaams Gewest 8500, BE) -
leuk hoor: oude dame en haar kleinzoon komen naast mij zitten: oude dame op mijn rugzak, en de kleine bovenop mijn trui.
@ikkekietje: is it? Oops. (got errors all the time). @delegatevoid: google it ;)
btw: ‘twitter is currently down for unplanned maintenance’. I like that. Is that ‘error handling 2.0’?
on the train, doing some more playr development. This is rapidly becoming a serious project. Really loving it :)
I’m at Oostende, Natiënkaai, 8400 Oostende, Oostende, Belgium (Natiënkaai, Oostende, Vlaams Gewest 8400, BE) -
‘twitter is down for unplanned maintenance.’ i like that. Pretty original. Is that error handling 2.0?
‘twitter is down for unplanned maintenance’. I like that. Pretty original. Is that error handling 2.0?
‘twitter is down for unplanned maintenance’… That’s good, i like it. Is that the new global error message?
‘twitter is down for unplanned maintenance’… That’s good, i like that. Is that the new global error message?
getting lunch. Wanna go home already…
I’m at Casino, 8430 Middelkerke, Middelkerke, Belgium (Casino, Middelkerke, Vlaams Gewest 8430, BE) -
waiting for the metro while enjoying the fresh breeze
me sleepy :)