Editing ‘Fight Club’ kinda messes with your mind… There’s something weird about ‘cutting’ into that guy’s/those guys’ life
Editing video footage. Or actually: Editing a movie.
@aral thx man! (depending on the tweet you might be referring to ;) )
Intresting to see the reactions btw. ;)
Note2self:kick @chezfre’s ass so hard he will remember for a lifetime.To all:nevermind that last tweet.Practical joke from 1 of my friends
Watching an episode of mad men in class. I don’t get this.
Just registered a domain for a project which might be the first big thing I actually do…
Stemmen maar! RT @FlashFocus: Nieuws: Het Freaking Interview met Ralph Hauwert (http://cli.gs/MLDY4)
And: Hats off to Google for F-ing up every single aspect of the Wave experience. Probably the biggest F-up in history of Google.
“I hope I may always desire more than I can accomplish.” - Michelangelo