@Quasimondo I might be misinterpreting your question, but as far as I’m concerned: Gravity doesn’t have a speed, only force.
Looking for a host that supports PHP Sockets. I’m running out of ideas. If you got any suggestions/help, feel free to enlighten me
@thomasheylen Vet! :)
Sketching some ideas for my next assignment.
@thomasheylen Neen, jammergenoeg nie. Als ge daar nog eens voorbij loopt, pakt der een mee voor mij ;) Nieuwjaarscadeau ^^
@thomasheylen Aarzel nie om te delen met ons WAAR ge die gevonden hebt :p
I just realized ever since I’m using a Mac, I forgot how big Windows’ market share really is. New apps ARE NOT made for a Mac by default…
… aka another browser to add crossbrowser testing list (once it get’s a significant amount of users). Not to mention: What’s new?
http://www.getpaladin.be - A Belgian browser… I see no reference to webkit or anything else so I guess it will be just another browser…
First time in 4 days I actually wake up before 1AM. In fact I woke up around 10AM. Progress!