The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @ronnykingfpv ever

December 8th, 2009

Patience is a virtue. I knew that for some time now. But I still think it sounds badass when I say it.

via Twitter for iPhone

Cool stuff! RT @wouter: blogged webcam difference keying application:…

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@sebastianvyaene kheb gisteren ook les gehad over PureMVC. Hoewel het eerst uiterst complex leek, bleek het uiteindelijk wel nice te zijn

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to svyaene

64K generated intro in Flash.… (pre-rendering takes a while though. Too bad)

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Awake and kicking. In class already, working on a typography assignment (which I’m totally digging)

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Watching the same movies over and over again really paid off.

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