If only ports for php sockets were either open on my host, or the school’s webspace I could share some of my experiences too :(
Getting dinner. Pretty hungry
This drawTriangle thing is AMAZING :o It’s so easy!
My goniometric understanding seems to have become quite rusty though… I’m pretty much ashamed…
Understands the basic workings of drawTriangles, vertices, indices, UV mapping… Now let’s see how much I understand…
Just had a major discussion about who would implement ColdFusion, rather than PHP to build datadriven applications. What are your thoughts?
@florindustries http://digg.com/u1KUpr
There you go :)
I don’t see textfields, I don’t see external data being called… It’s a good proof of concept and a good first step, but that’s about it.
For a second I was really excited about that ‘Flash on iPhone’-hack, but as far as I can tell it doesn’t really allow you a lot right now…
peterelst it takes tragedy on a massive scale before we realize our very future depends on cooperation rather than political and ideological supremacy