The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @ronnykingfpv ever

January 29th, 2010

We were about to leave but there’s an insane snowstorm going on outside. So let’s ignore that and get drink instead.

via Echofon

What’s the point of reserving seats in the cinema if nobody respects the reservations anyway?

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Why does everybody want flash on the ipad? What you really want is a fully capable OS on it.

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@robpenner i’m still thinking about it myself & to date i can’t come up with something better. But if anything comes to mind you’ll know 1st

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Getting dinner before heading to @wirward

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Getting dinner before heading to @wirward

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Custom events are easier/more simple/less code, but native events require more work then they first did. And mixing both up is just ugly

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I really like #as3signals. However I don’t know if I like the way nativeSignals are implemented…

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So much new stuff… And I only got 10 days to discover all of it! When is Apple releasing the iClone?

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Magnificent. RT @dimitrivh: RT @lowedraftfcb: iPad Nano, the iPad that fits in your pocket

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I changed a few things on Playr. A few bug fixes, a few changes, and a new dev-feature. More info:

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Hmz… I implement a fix in the next() method. When attempting to implement the same in prev(), I realize I did already did that months ago

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RT @florindustries: Wht doesn’t anyone get that HTML5 will NEVER replace Flash completely - period

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@peterelst Not to be rude… But why would you want to see that website at all? :p

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Fixing a few bugs in Playr, adding a few features, and reviewing a few implementations… Been a long time since I’ve done this…

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The Google logo is still gone… Is this the beginning of the end?

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I love waking up like this: You wake up, breakfast… and then time for new experiments… 10 days of this… 10 days of immortality…

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Sitting in the couch, sipping a cocktail, enjoying loud music… There are no deadlines… No projects. Only freedom… Life is good.

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Had a great night at the #augbe meeting. You guys did a good job. See you in a few weeks. And thx for the #fitc ticket!

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