The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @ronnykingfpv ever

January 21st, 2010

Wow! What a day! RT @mrdoob: Yes! RT @peter_nitsch Nice! RT @Vimeo Try our new HTML5 player!

via Echofon

Still wondering how much of a big deal this Youtube<>HTML5 thing really is…

via Twitter for iPhone

I can see why people are complaining about the Flash player crashing their browser… Mine just crashed 3 times in a row…

via Twitter for iPhone

Voor iedereen die artistiek wat te showen heeft! RT @FlashFocus: Nieuws: [JANUARI ’10 BATTLE] Typografie (

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Apparently going into the hallway and screaming to everybody in the building helps. I’ll have to remember that.

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RT @FlashFocus: Nieuws: FlashFocus Interview met Aral Balkan (aka @aral ) (

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That went pretty well. Only one more to go!

via Echofon

RT @sjespers: Do we really want to go back to “This site is best viewed with browser X” and “Please download codec Y to view this video”?

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Waiting to go in for my exam. Queueing sucks.

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Everybody keeps asking for those new iPhone 4.0 features, but nobody said anything about a fast way of switching from wifi to 3G in an app

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Time to get some late breakfast and prepare some last minute stuff for this exam.

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pieterbeulque By the way, if you’re going to do another post about Lorem Ipsum. It’s some kind of bad Latin. Not Greek.

via web (retweeted on 3:42 AM, Jan 21st, 2010 via web)