The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @ronnykingfpv ever

November 9th, 2010

Just noticed Photoshop CS5 has animated PNG support in the ‘export for web and devices…’ menu :)

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Where did all these tutorials go all of a sudden!?

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RT @Format_: aan 3 deviners: consult CMD gaat wel door, hij is er nu :) #devine

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One bad experience. That is all you need to make a potential new user go away.

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Got a project I’ll try to do tomorrow… Hoping this works. Might come in handy for a bigger project I’m doing soon…

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What’s this about!? Seriously, there needs to be a law against this bullshit.”www”: WORLD WIDE web or stay away from it

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So my dear bunch of wise asses: Answer me this :) http://whatthefuckhasoba…

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Digging this one! Loving the way the audio was remixed and how the video cuts are done!

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@nickvegas Wow, Nick! Those look great! Will give it a try to see how close I can get to these results. Kind of like a test in class ;)

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