Finally bit the bullet. Upgrading to 10.6 again. Was able to go back to 10.5 for more than a year, but the time has come.Apple forces me to.
Trying some stuff, but my head just won’t let me do a thing right now… I’m actually completely unusable. Can we recycle humans yet?
prplps watching a scene render is like watching the snake-game snake eat the pixels of the previous frame, shitting out the next one when going by
I am completely 100% broken.
I’m really changing a lot of priorities. True turning point in my life, so it seems. But what if I were to get some sleep?
This is a total turndown if you ask me: “If you look under the hood, you’ll see that Corona is pretty much like ActionScript 2.0.”
That’s strange: Running my app on my iPhone with debug data scrolling in a textfield, the app runs fine. Removing that text crashes the app.
RT @stefsull: I’m not making a statement about whether torrenting should be legal—but Dept of Homeland SECURITY!? WTF?
It seems Leslie Nielsen has passed away. You will be missed.
Ads? Where? On your site? Noooooo… No, there’s no ads there!
Why the heck won’t my ADL start!?
Badges!? I don’t need no badges! I give you badges!!