The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @ronnykingfpv ever

November 26th, 2010

Ola! Spannend! RT @lamazone: Starting my own radio #purefm

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RT @delegatevoid: Sometimes we make something seem so easy and natural… that nobody appreciates how complex the problem really is…

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Outside in the freezing cold with @woutr_be, shooting some footage for our #imaginecup submission.

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Waking up and realizing there’s no Internet connection. Feels as if I’m right in the middle of a nightmare.

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Still not tired but going to bed anyway. I’ve got to sleep at some point. This is going to hurt when my alarm clock goes off at noon.

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Need to get some sleep soon… But I can’t go to bed until this thing has a nice icon… #thingsilosesleepover

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@glenndavid Using it for basic SQL operations and basic layout of the database because it doesn’t support all SQL statements ;)

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Right, no transaction support in Titanium/iPhone SQLite? You’re kidding? Not even multiple INSERT statements in one SQL string? Seriously?

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Want to make some money? There’s definitely a market for a decent little SQLite manager on OSX. Using 2 apps to create/test an SQLite db…

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Is really starting to enjoy javascript. Although I like the typed character of Actionscript, I adore the Javascript-way of doing business.

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Yea, yea, I know. Gotta install 10.6 again sometime soon. Already installed Snow Leo last year, but too many hiccups back then.

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Damn… @kiwi_app is 10.6 only… (still running on 10.5)… Too bad! :(

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Projection mapping was cool when they first did it. Just like flashmobs. Now they’re old news. So move on guys… Do something new.

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