@Format_ Thanks man! Same to you! 3 more days left now and then finally 7 (!!!!) days of immortality! Hurray!
@prplps The file is growing!!
@Hermine_ I love it, Hermine. Great work! Very creative and personal piece. Really enjoyed watching it!
Just had 3 hours of sleep. 4th day in a row with only that much of sleep. However: I will be able to sleep in tomorrow. Finally.
Just presented my demo reel. Let’s hope they liked it, because that was the most horrible week of my life!!
@Heeties Thanks a million, man!
Since I haven’t blogged in a while, and I had that demoreel thing lying around, I thought I’d post it ;) http://t.co/i9bk3IO
Btw, something I noticed: Always consider different font versions on different OS’es when net rendering MoText Objects. #C4D #C4DN
@BWS_Nazz Een dezer de langere versie ook nekeer online zetten. Inclusief realtime trip door de tunnels, en 2 missing shots :p
@BWS_Nazz Thx man! Echt waar! Ge kunt nie geloven hoeveel miserie ik heb gehad toen ik ermee bezig was. 3D heeft mij echt gekraakt.
I gave up sleep, life and even sex, just to create this demoreel. Enjoy. http://t.co/qfzPcwv
I guess I shouldn’t wait for that last scene to render in time. It jus’t won’t. Not the worst thing that could happen though.
I’m exhausted. But there’s still 2 hours of time before the deadline. Sounds like lots of time… Not, I know… Wishful thinking etc.
300 HQ frames in the render queue. Yes, this is the most stupid thing I’ve EVER done. Feel free to not tell me.