Oh my god! That’s the strangest iPhone case ever! Found at the #wagnerpizzaparty @ DOK http://t.co/yzh7QxpF
It’s le wagniverse!! #wagnerpizzaparty @ DOK http://t.co/joDK2vKJ
@willgoldstone it should be there ;) try the “selection menu” in the compose window http://t.co/ORncGzZL
@willgoldstone i thought that was a new feature?! Havent updated to iOS6 yet so I can’t test but I’m pretty sure it’s there.
brad_frost Responsive design is not about mobile. It’s not about tablets. It’s not about desktops. It’s about The Web. @adactio #smashingconf
Time to go home. This is where all those all-nighters pay off.
Seriously… Sometimes @wetransfer takes AGES to deliver a file. Most definitely annoying if people are waiting for you…