Eminem once said: “Music can alter moods and talk to you”
This one really hits hard.
John Swihart - You’re all alone
eX.haust.t #everyday #cinema4d pic.twitter.com/LnIUUs8IgU
This guy is nothing short of fucking mindblowing! Watching this guy skate (with no legs) gives me the chills. vimeo.com/19170191
@warrebuysse Maar merci voor de feedback. Much appreciated :)
@warrebuysse thanks maar zo vet vind ik het allemaal niet. Elke dag compromissen maken. En elke dag een stuk van je dag weg daarvoor.
I so didn’t want to do this today. I swear, thi#everydayay thing really tests your personal strengths and weaknesses from time to time.
NO.ENVIE #everyday #cinema4d pic.twitter.com/IKsOBoP8xF