The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @ronnykingfpv ever

April 6th, 2021

@Nonunsenses Kheb nog niets van Social House gezien maar van de korte uitleg van Acid deed het me denken aan Big Br…

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@Esno_Fava @MKBHD Slightly thicker. If you consider the original iPhone (which was way thicker) do you really think…

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@shahanv7 @MKBHD Yes I am 😁 I thought that was clear from the get go 😅 I was making jokes but clearly that got lost somewhere 🙈 My bad

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@BAMP0T @yashcuncolcar @MKBHD Sounds like some kind of Apple slogan already. “Welcome to the new iPhone 13 Air Max…

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@SohamWankhede1 @MKBHD Original iPhone was fine (and a lot thicker than our current gen). I think we can spare a fe…

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@SayakMukherjee4 @MKBHD That actually was the joke. Not sure how you missed it 😅

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@TimBa271 @MKBHD Yea, that’s the stuff that really annoys me because you might actually be right but from what we’v…

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@ab4ify @MKBHD Yea, the additional weight COULD become an issue. I don’t care much for the 5000 mAh spec but more f…

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@Samuel_vanDam @MKBHD Really (the scratching)? I never thought about that. Is that real? There might be something t…

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@BhuvneshMagotra @MKBHD I don’t think that still classifies as a bump 🙈

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@MKBHD What if they made another bump on the phone to add a bigger battery? And perhaps they could align those 2 bu…

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I swear, when I read stuff like this, I wish I could meet a woman one day who’s crazy and loyal enough to not only…

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annabrandberg Stop telling women to pick better men and start telling men to be better men.

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 12:20 PM, Apr 6th, 2021 via Twitter Web App)

@Nonunsenses Ja, los van het logische aspect is er idd het praktische aspect. Ik herinner me nog dat mensen me zot…

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@Nonunsenses Doen we dit niet allemaal? Hoeveel keer staat ge nie in de winkel en zegt ge “200 euro is wa duur voor…

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Ay Belgie, weet ge nog toen ze een paar dagen geleden een feestje hielden toen ze jullie gepruts beu waren? Stel u…

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Here’s a nice little read to start your week. Enjoy life ‘cause mad scientists might accidentally destroy the world…

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