@vswiggyb @LucasDelascosas Ik kom regelmatig in Luik en Namen en ze vinden da daar ook nie plezant als ik mij meer… https://t.co/k6bM2QOP9u
Twitter playing fast and loose with the word ‘politics’ pic.twitter.com/c70isjV8Iv
@genbrr This is why we need F1 race weekends with audiences again. How else are us singles supposed to meet someone??
@LucasDelascosas Belgie pur sang. Als een ander meer plezier maakt dan gij, moet daar iets aan gedaan worden. Wat e… https://t.co/2jqvyuBdp1
@VevaDan Spicy food heeft het voor mij al elke keer opgelost 😄
@AhmadAmirul___ @MKBHD I guess that’s a very subjective thing. Personally, not once in the past 15 years did I want… https://t.co/C7DXKWQqa6
@Dhawal_Y_Rao @TimBa271 @MKBHD They will be dearly missed. 😢
@maquindesign @MKBHD Isn’t that just unnecessary overhead? Feels very Apple.
@SohamWankhede1 @MKBHD Yea could be something to it.
@AnirudhPuranik3 @MKBHD Original iPhone was even thicker and set the standard. They went so far with the thinness a… https://t.co/fxjXAvz2dr
@Amalka_Ari @MKBHD It’s sad that this could in fact be true 😔
@creton_b @MKBHD That’s what I was going for yes. But you gotta sell it to them like they would sell it to us 😅🙈
@realyash09 @MKBHD What’s the point of having these bumps? Why not just cover the rest of the thing phone with mor… https://t.co/5bOVZuFmWl
@johnson_caid @MKBHD I know, right?! Totally thinking outside the box, here 🤣
@typicall_asian @MKBHD That was in fact the suggestion yes 😅