My greatest life-hack ever is to wonder what could happen if I just held on for one more day… if I could just mak…
The pandemic has been going strong for a year. It has worn down many people’s patience and energy. And it shows. It…
When people tell you how the pandemic is some kind of plot organized by the world’s governments…
@KrisRemels @Nieuwsblad_be Tssss. Stouteriken. Mensen zo op stang jagen met halve waarheden en dan cruciale context…
@KrisRemels Truth be told: de reacties op deze kop maken het 100% duidelijk wie effectief het artikel gelezen heeft…
@danajiru Somebody needs to remake this with the Jurassic Park theme music when the dinosaurs take back the island. ðŸ˜
There’s something oddly satisfying about watching @SpaceX land rockets with this kind of precision. Even after YEAR…