The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @ronnykingfpv ever

August 8th, 2008

Working on the 2M08 video again. Postponed that way too long.

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Played some games, was on a roll :)

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@ryanstewart Flex Builder for iPhone? Could you be more specific? :)

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Had dinner. Waiting for @AmazingYen to be ready to go out.

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Heading out for a bit. Getting lunch, and paying @AmazingYen a visit

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Ok… Playr.destroy(): What do i need to destroy besides eventListeners (this is where the learning progress starts again :))

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Making the list of last todo’s for Playr. Still got some work lined up.

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Wow that was easy! Made 0.5seconds progress… Still puts me on 3 seonds distance, but it’s a start :)

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Out for another sprint training. Let’s close in on those 22 seconds, shall we?

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Thinking about a plugin architecture for Playr… Got a pretty cool idea…

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@HoFa Amazing! How are the graphics? Equal to windows?

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Let’s play a game to relax a bit :)

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Wondering about all kinds of stuff concerning the Playr class… Dedicated site or not? Message board for ppl with problems/bugs or not? …

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Gooooood mooooorniiiiiiing Viiiiieeetnaaam!

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So far so good…. But it’s 5 AM… Nite nite

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