The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @ronnykingfpv ever

August 19th, 2008

Working on a Flash video project. I love this kind of productions.

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Always the same story. I should start writing those things down… Would become very effecient at some point…

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@ikkekietje: @bramzo is right. The todo list needs to be visible at all times (on the desktop so to speak, without opening ANY apps at all)

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Checking out Things. I don’t see the advance of a todo app, that only shows your todo’s when you don’t forget to launch the program first…

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Man, I just love how OSX handles new hardware

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3 up, 3 lined up for controle… Come on!

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Adding new designs to the FlashFocus webshop.

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Just watched one of my own tutorials… I need to redo all of those, or remove them… I should be ashamed :p

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Back home. Doing some mailing for some upcoming projects.

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and we’re back. Had some issues getting everything to work again, but we’re good now :)

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Heading out for the Mobistar shop (who will have to setup my 3G settings) and then going to @HoFa’s place

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Waking up and begin called out names already :( I’m no JohnJohn :(

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